
Hello! My name is Adrian Yi, I am a self-proclaimed data and board games geek.

I am currently a Machine Learning Engineer at Clusterone, Inc., where I focus on distributed deep learning. I am in charge of the ML Docker images and OpenMPI implementations (like Horovod and XGBoost). I also authored a few tutorials.

I've always had a passion for understanding life using numbers. Hence, I pursued a undergraduate degree in Math & Physics from Franklin & Marshall College in Lancaster, PA.

Then, I completed my Ph.D. in Physics at Boston University. My research focused on the intersection of Physics and Biochemistry, specifically studying proteins that are relevant to Optogenetics.

The aspect I enjoyed the most about research was uncovering insights in vast amounts of data and using programming to automate processes.

While pursuing my Ph.D., I discovered the field of data science and AI/ML. I completed several online courses, personal projects, and a data science fellowship. Through these experiences, I discovered my passion for this area and continue to work on my own projects to advance my knowledge in this space.